Category Archives: Newsletter

Nr. 30, Spring 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The Society for Medieval Germanic Studies is pleased to sponsor five sessions at the 45th Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo in May 2010. We wish to thank Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University) and Alexander Sager (University of Georgia, Athens), for organizing an exciting program for us this year at Kalamazoo. After the final SMGS session on Saturday morning, there will be a brief business meeting in Schneider 1235. If you have a theme for a SMGS session for next year, please let us know at that time.



Table of Contents

SMGS Sessions at Kalamazoo 2010

New Books Roundtable

The Sidney M. Johnson Award for 2010

New Books Received for SMGS Review

SMGS Review

News from Colleagues




SMGS Sessions at Kalamazoo 2010


Session I Thursday 3:30 p.m. Bernard 213

Minnesang und Maeren:

Presider: Stephen Mark Carey (Georgia State University)


“’Daz aber dû verswîgen solt’: Self-Muting of the Female Lyric Voice in Reimar“

Kathryn Malczyk (University of Pennsylvania)


“Urrâ burrâ”: Punchline and Performance in Neidhart’s “Ich erwinde niemer”

William Layher (Washington University in St. Louis)


“All you need is love… The Influence of Ovid and Andreas Capellanus on Frauenlobs Leichs”

Michaela Wiesinger (Universität Wien)


“wilde maere” as Narrative Reflection. On Intertextuality and Metapoetics in Wolfram’s Titurel

Markus Greulich (Universität Wien)




Session II  Thursday 7:30 p.m. Bernhard 204

Space, Place and Movement in Medieval German Literature

Presider: Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University)


“Raum erzählen – Raum konstruieren. Raumbeschreibungen in der Historiographie und Literatur des 12. Jahrhunderts”

Martin Clauss (Universität Regensburg)


“Der ‘eingebildete’ Raum? Überlegungen zur Konstruktion von Raum im deutschsprachigen Prosaroman des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts”

Gabriele Klug (Universität Graz)


“Das Jenseits als Bewegungsraum. Die Formierung christlicher Läuterungsräume in Jenseitsreisen der Antike und des Mittelalters (Visio Pauli, Visio Tnugdali)”

Maximilian Benz & Julia Weitbrecht (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)



Session III  Friday 1:30 p.m. Bernhard 210

New Research in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival

Presider: Alexander Sager  (University of Georgia, Athens)


“Intertextual Toponymy in Wolfram’s Parzival

Christoph Steppich (Texas A&M University)


“Arthur’s Court as Informational Medium: Maere and Meta-Maere in Wolfram’s Parzival

Carl Gelderloos (Cornell University)


“Discrepancies and Commonalities in the Visual & Textual Telling of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival in CGM 19 (München) & CPG 339 (Heidelberg)”

Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University)


“Iterity: Trevîzent and Parzival”

James Marchand (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)




Session IV  Saturday 10:00 a.m. Schneider 1235

Translating Into and From Medieval German

Presider: Edward R. Haymes (Cleveland State University)


Keie in Hartmann von Aue’s Iwein and Felicitas Hoppe’s Iwein Löwenritter. A Comparison

Judith Benz (Juniata College)


“Mittelalterliche Reimdichtung in neuem Gewande: Prosaübersetzung oder Nachdichtung?”

Max Siller (Universität Innsbruck)



New Books Roundtable

Presider: Alexander Sager (University of Georgia, Athens)

Elke Koch (Universität Göttingen) presents her significant contribution to our field:

Trauer und Identität. Inszenierung von Emotionen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Gruyter, 2006.


Friday evening 8:00 p.m. Berhard 204


SMGS looks forward to seeing you at this well-received and enjoyable session at Kalamazoo in 2010.





The Sidney M. Johnson Award for 2010

SMGS is delighted to announce The Sidney M. Johnson Award for the best abstract submitted to SMGS from a graduate student.  The recipient for 2010 will be Gabriele Klug (Universität Graz) for her submission “Der ‘eingebildete’ Raum? Überlegungen zur Konstruktion von Raum im deutschsprachigen Prosaroman des 15. Und 16. Jahrhunderts.” We are looking forward to hearing her presentation in SMGS Session II, Thursday 7:30 p.m. Bernhard 204.




New Books Received for SMGS Review

Peter Dinzelbacher, Lebenswelten des Mittelalters, 1000 – 1500, Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2010, 562. ISBN 978-3-940523-07-5



SMGS Reviews

German Literature of the High Middle Ages. Ed. by WILL HASTY. (Camden House History of German Literature, 3) Rochester, NY. Camden House. 2006. viii+ 338 pp. $90; 50 [pounds sterling]. ISBN 978-1-57113-173-7.


The third volume of the Camden House History of German Literature belongs in every library’s reference collection. This literary history will prove to be an invaluable tool for beginning students to advanced scholars, a starting point for research on the major poets, literary works, and narrative traditions of the German High Middle Ages.  Together with Medieval German Literature (eds. Marion Gibbs and Sidney M. Johnson) and A Companion to Middle High German Literature to the 14th Century (ed. Francis G. Gentry), German Literature of the High Middle Ages represents one of the best resources in English for anyone looking for an overview of the literature from this time period. The volume is an international undertaking with over eighteen chapters written by experts from the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany, and Austria. Much to the credit of the editor, these essays read as a cohesive whole; the language of each essay is uniform in style.     

Following a detailed introduction by Will Hasty that sets the socio-cultural and political context for the Blütezeit of German literature of the High Middle Ages, this volume is divided into four different sections. The first section deals with the poets (1180 to ca. 1220) who were most instrumental to establishing courtly literature in Germany and whose foundational works influenced the literary output of the poets of the thirteenth century. The second section examines four major literary traditions of the Blütezeit, including political and didactic poetry, Minnesang, heroic narratives, and early mystical writing. The third part details and reevaluates the so-called “post-classical” poets (ca. thirteenth century), emphasizing how the poets of this generation were, for their own part, quite innovative in their response to the works of the first flourishing of German literature. The last and shortest section rounds out the volume, providing further historical perspectives that help to understand German literature and culture of the High Middle Ages. To illustrate the innovativeness of a particular poet and to aid non-experts of Middle High German, most chapters include short excerpts of texts accompanied by English translations. The book includes detailed endnotes after each chapter, ten black and white illustrations from the Codex Manesse, a select bibliography of primary and secondary sources, and an index.

The first section of this volume, “The First Flourishing of German Literature,” consists of six chapters that analyze the importance of six major poets of the twelfth century. The well-written essays provide the extant biographical details for each poet, the chronology, transmission and reception of their works, and explanations of the most significant themes and interpretive issues in each text. Perhaps more importantly, each essay includes a brief overview of the scholarly perspectives on the poets and an evaluation of how innovative each poet was in reworking his source material. Discussing Heinrich von Veldeke’s love lyrics and Eneit, Albrecht Classen succinctly establishes how Veldeke helped lay the conceptual foundation for the future of courtly literature, highlighting Veldeke’s free adaptation of his Latin and Old French sources in content and form. Rodney Fischer adeptly provides a detailed account of Hartmann von Aue’s works. The author explains the traditional interpretations of Hartmann’s lyric, legends, and courtly texts, emphasizing Hartmann’s central role in establishing the Arthurian romance in Germany. For his part, Rüdiger Krohn analyzes Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan within the wider context of the Tristan tradition, exploring the tension between societal expectations and individual desires that defines Gottfried’s new take on Tristan. Marion E. Gibbs and the late Sidney M. Johnson, to whom this volume is dedicated, demonstrate how Wolfram von Eschenbach is “arguably the outstanding poet of the German Middle Ages” (98), underscoring the originality of his poetic style. Nicola McLelland’s discussion of Ulrich von Zatzikhoven’s Lanzelet makes a strong case for a reevaluation of Ulrich’s “long neglected” (102) work, pointing out that Ulrich’s use of different narrative styles and voices, together with the central role that women play in the text, makes Lanzelet an important literary work in its own right. Will Hasty ends this section with a thorough overview of Walter von der Vogelweide’s didactic, political, and love lyrics. Hasty demonstrates Walter’s important position within the literary canon of the High Middle Ages by highlighting how versatile and innovative Walter was despite the constraints of literary convention.

Section two focuses on the most important literary traditions between 1170 and 1270. Nigel Harris’s contribution on didactic poetry answers a much-needed call for more research in this neglected area of studies. Harris identifies the major forms and functions of didactic poetry and the most important themes and poets. In doing so, he reveals a need for updated scholarship and translations into modern English and German. Will Hasty traces in chapter two the development of Minnesang from von Kürenberg to Neidhart, using representative poets to form the basis of his overview. Hasty’s discussion of this tradition will be useful to any student of German literature. He touches upon the possible origins of German love lyrics, defining the different types of songs and their conventions and themes, and highlighting modern scholarship’s emphasis upon the performative nature of this genre. In her chapter on heroic literature, Susann Samples takes on the major heroic narratives, surveying the most important interpretative issues in the Alexanderlied and Rolandslied, the Nibelungenlied, the texts that respond to it, the Klage and Kudrun, and the Dietrich von Bern narratives. Samples’ discussion cogently outlines how these texts incorporate historical events and figures, showing how each text deals with contemporary socio-political issues, including religion, loyalty, feudalism and lord-vassal relationships, gender, peacemaking, and the central tension between courtly-chivalric and feudal values. The last essay of this section should be required reading for anyone interested in early mysticism. Sara S. Poor’s provocative contribution examines gendered concepts of medieval literature and authorship. Poor focuses on the crucial role women played in the development of the mystical literary tradition by looking at key figures such as Hildegard von Bingen, Elisabeth von Schönau, Beatrice von Narzeth, Hadewijch, and Mechthild von Magdeburg. Poor’s analysis reveals the common dialogic strategies that both female and male writers used to lend authority to their texts.

Part three turns to seven poets of the thirteenth century and reflects the shift in aesthetic judgment regarding the so-called “post-classical” texts of this time period that has occurred in recent years. The essays in this section demonstrate how these texts are not simply derivative of the twelfth century poets, but rather are creative responses to them. In his essay, Neil Thomas explores the intertextual relationship of Wirnt von Gravenberg’s Wigalois and Heinrich von Türlin’s diu Crône to Wolfram von Eschenbach. Thomas’s sound analysis shows that these responses to Wolfram are creative, yet critical, rejections of Wolfram’s utopian and metaphysical idealism. In his essay on Der Stricker, Michael Resler demonstrates how this poet represents a “transitional figure from the lofty courtly realm…to the more ordinary, commonplace milieu characteristic of German post-classical literature” (216). Resler surveys Der Stricker’s poetic versatility, including his takes on the Arthurian romance, Daniel von Blühenden Tal, his heroic epic, Karl der Große, and his later works, his farces, didactic poetry, and religious poems. Elizabeth A. Andersen covers the diversity of Rudolf von Ems’s corpus, demonstrating the influence of patronage on Rudolf’s choice of subject matter and the significant role that his knowledge of Latin literary traditions played in the adaption of his source material. In their first-rate chapter on Ulrich von Liechtenstein, Ulrich Müller and Franz Viktor Spechtler explicate the significance of Ulrich’s Frauendienst as the first Ich-Roman in German literature. Rüdiger Brandt’s excellent survey of Konrad von Würzburg’s diverse works focuses on the transmission of Konrad’s texts, his popularity and patronage, and his ability to push the literary conventions of his time. Brandt also provides a fascinating evaluation of Konrad’s works through a topic that is popular today, the influence of the socio-cultural setting of the city, in this case, Basel, on literary production. In a succinct chapter on Wernher der Gärtner, Ruth Weichselbaumer writes about the didactism of Helmbrecht, emphasizing the function of dialogue to the text’s warning against transgressing medieval social order.

The last section of this volume, “Historical Perspectives,” consists of two well-written essays that reflect current and hotly-discussed approaches in medieval studies. William H. Jackson’s essay on violence and courtly literature ties nicely into the previous sections of the book, exploring the changing medieval attitudes towards violence as they are reflected in literature. Jackson’s analysis reveals the inherent tension between the legitimate use of force by the nobility and the different attempts to control rampant violence. Charles R. Bowlus’s contribution on “Mobility, Politics, and Society in Medieval Germany” reflects the “spatial turn” in the humanities in recent years. Bowlus’s study examines the importance of movement through space for the nobility, whether for governance, fiscal and trade concerns, or for religious and imperial purposes. Bowlus’s discussion helps to flesh out the historical context in which the literature of the High Middle Ages was produced; one might quibble, however, with the fact that it does not draw upon the literature discussed in the first three parts of the book.             

This volume will long stand as an important literary history. The evaluative and often interpretative nature of the essays provides essential information about German literature of the High Middle Ages. This volume will also serve medieval German studies well by stimulating further discussion, debate, and research. Moreover, the fundamental interpretations included in each chapter will be helpful for students approaching these texts for the first time or for instructors preparing courses and lectures. A minor shortcoming of this volume is the last section of the work, which is significantly shorter than the preceding parts. Its brevity leaves the reader wanting more. Hopefully the next edition will include other current approaches in medieval studies, such as memory, emotion, and sexuality. This observation, however, does not lessen the significant contribution that this book makes to German studies. Students and scholars alike will profit from the scholarly depth with which this reference work was conceived.


Scott Pincikowski (Hood College)    



Elke Koch, Trauer und Identität, Inszenierung von Emotionen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: Berlin: De Gruyter, In: Trends in Medieval Philology, Vol. 8. 2006, 319. ISBN 13-978-3-11-018570-6


In her well-revised doctoral dissertation, Elke Koch provides us with an instrumentarium for reassessing canonical works from a highly refined perspective and approach that yield valuable and often surprising insights. After an introduction with the rationale for her study, she divides it into four major sections. The first of these establishes a solid methodological construct predicated on “Emotionstheorie, Diskursgeschichte und Konzepts des Performativen.” Koch takes care to examine the methodological implications of her approach together with underlying considerations such as “das Paradigma der Verlustreaktion,” and even historical semantics, e.g. “nibelungische Antropologie.” A strong point of Koch’s approach is the precision of her definitions and their differentiation. She notes: “In der Emotionsforschung finden sich für einen solchen Ansatz mehrere Argumente. So wird Trauer von der Emotion der Traurigkeit unterschieden und als Verlustreaktion definiert, die prozessual verläuft. Für Trauer und Traurigkeit werden in universalistischen Ansätzen der psychologischen Emotionsforschung evolutionär bedingte Aspekte angenommen. Traurigkeit gilt als Basisemotion, das heißt aufgrund eines angeborenen mimischen Ausdrucksmusters als kulturell und historisch übergreifend identifizierbar. Der Zusammenhang von Traurigkeit und Trauer wird ebenfalls als universal aufgefasst, da der Verlust eines signifikanten Anderen als kulturübergreifender Auslöser von Traurigkeit ermittelt worden ist .” (19)

Koch extends the social-constructionist approaches of recent scholarship to enrich Emotionsgeschichte with literary historical analysis and determine with greater subtley the performative, communicative and social character of narrative representations. As such it constitutes a heuristic category: “Trauer wird als Involvierung in eine Situation des Unglücks definiert, womit der semantische Kernbereich mittlehochdeutscher Trauerbezeichungen erfasst ist.” (79) Of particular value to literary scholars is the alignment of her definition of tristitia with the medieval notion of teaching by way of affectus—Affektenkehre.

Each of the texts examined in the subsequent three chapters offers a specific, exemplary medium for the codification of Trauer, which in turn provides the basis for analyzing the semiotic character of its performance and realization in actu. In so doing, Koch lends precision to the classification of aesthetic strategies for expressing emotion, especially in regard to (re) constituting social relationships, identities, and their appropriate historical and literary ritualization. As to be expected, each text highlights a categorical variation. The first of which is Wolfram’s Willehalm. Koch comments: “Die Überblendung religiöser und verwandtschaftlicher Trauerperformanzen spielt einem ‘fundamentalisierenden’ Diskurs über Verwandtschaft zu.” (157).  More precisely, “Trauer ist als Performanz von Bindung codiert.” (158). The reader will find the discussion of Gyburc’s doppelte Trauer particularly fascinating and well analyzed. Koch insightfully observes: “Der Verwandtschaftsdiskurs wird durch den Geschlechterdiskurs gestützt. Die weibliche Markierung von Trauer erzeugt einen scheinbaren Normkonflikt, der jedoch letztlich die Normierung verwandtschaftlicher Solidarität untermauert und die zentrale Bedeutung männlicher Trauer maskiert. Indem der Verwandtschaftskörper als primär identitätskonstituierend erscheint, wird allerdings die Geschlechterdifferenz potentiell destabilisiert, was durch Gegenstrategien der Reinstituierung von Geschlechtergrenzen beispielsweise in der Munleun-Szenen aufgefangen wird.” (158) The second text is Hartmann’s Erec.  Koch convincingly shows that affiliation (Zugehörigkeit) is partner-centered rather than group-orientated. Accordingly, the performance of emotion creates paradoxical situations that intensify narrative tension and the given affectus. She notes: “… dass die Klageszene eine ‘Bühne’ für die performative Konstitution eines weiblichen Identitätsmodells bildet, das eine paradoxe Spannung aufweist, welche durch die Anforderungen des Beziehungsideals der triuwe einerseits, die Aufrechterhaltung geschlechtsspezifischer, asymmetrischer Handlungsnormen anderseits bedingt ist.” (202)

In the final work considered, Gottfried’s Tristan, Koch further demonstrates the primacy of performance in regard to emotionality (Trauer) exemplified through particular literary-historical expressions of identity and individuality. She observes: “Singularität und somit auch ‘Individualität’ gewinnt dadurch Kontur, dass Identität bei Gottfried als Reflexionsfigur fungiert, in welcher die Konstituenten Genealogie und Zugehörigkeit, Körper und Name, Einheit und Differenz ästhetisch reflektiert werden. Die Trauer (triure, Tristan) erweist sich hierfür als genuines Zeichen.” (283) As a result, Koch validates her thesis that Gottfried’s text not only constructs Trauer as simply the performance of identity, but also codifies it in a manner apprehensible to his listeners.


In sum, Elke Koch has contributed an important work that promises to benefit methodological reflection on the performance of emotion and its consequences for gendered identity throughout our field. In a personal observation, having used her text in my recent seminar, “Women in Medieval German Literature,” I can strongly recommend it to colleagues and upper-level students alike.   


Ernst Ralf Hintz (Truman State University)




SMGS News from Colleagues


Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona-Tucson) has a number of recent contributions.

Lied und Liederbuch in der Frühen Neuzeit, In: Volksstudien, 10, Münster, New York: Waxman, 2010, 330.


Tristania. Vol. XXV, ed. Albrecht Classen, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009, 193.


Tiere als Freunde im Mittelalter: Eine Anthologie. Eingeleitet, ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von Gabriela Kompatscher zusammen mit Albrecht Classen und Peter Dinzelbacher, Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2010, 299.



Peter Dinzelbacher (Universität Wien) has a new publication.

Lebenswelten des Mittelalters 1000-1500, Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2010. 562.



Edward R. Haymes (Cleveland State University) has a new publication: Wagner’s Ring in 1848, Camden House (Boydell and Brewer), appearing May 2010. After a distinguished career, he will become emeritus at Cleveland State University at the end of this semester, where he has taught and researched since 1987. Among his many contributions to our field has been his service as President of SMGS from 1997-2004.

Best wishes from SMGS!



Sibylle Jefferis (University of Pennsylvania) has organized two sessions at Kalamazoo:

Session 220 Schneider 1235

Friday 10:00 a.m.

Medieval German (Heroic) Epics


Session 455 Schneider 1135

Saturday 1:30 p.m.

Low German Medieval Literature: Legends, Drama, Epics, Translations

Sponsored by the Oswald-von-Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft



Winder McConnell (University of California-Davis) is pleased to announce that Tina Boyer, who has just completed her Ph.D. with him on giants in medieval German epics, has accepted an offer from Wake Forest University. In addition, his 1998 Companion to the Nibelungenlied has recently appeared in paperback.



Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University) has two new publications: “Reading Parzival’s Quest for the Holy Grail as a Unique Exile Experience,” In: Weltanschauliche Orientierungsversuche im Exil / Changes of World View in Exile. Ed. Reinhard Andress, Co-eds. Greg Divers & Evelyn Meyer, Rodopoi, at press forthcoming 2010.


“Undercutting the Fabric of Courtly Love with ‘Tokens of Love’ in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” In: Yearbook of the Society for Medieval German Studies, 1(2009): 8-33.



Ann Marie Rasmussen (Duke University) has numerous new contributions:

“Falsche Freunde,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 12. August 2009 (Nr. 185): N5.


“Wandering Genitalia: Sexuality and the Body in German Culture between the Late Middle Ages and Early Modernity,” In: King’s College London Medieval Studies, Occasional Series 2 (London: Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies, King’s College London, 2009).


“War die Jungfrau wirklich in Nöten: Neue Forschungen zur Rolle der Frau im Mittelalter.” In: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken 63.7 (2009): 627-33.


“The Winsbecke Father-Son and Mother-Daughter Poems (Der Winsbecke and Die Winsbeckin), with a Medieval Parody,” eds., trans. and intro. by Ann Marie Rasmussen and Olga V. Trokhimenko, In: Medieval Conduct Literature: An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths, with English translations, ed. Mark D. Johnson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press and the Medieval Academy of America, 2009, 61-125.


Short Essay, In: “Forum: The Role of Translation in German Studies,” in German Quarterly 82.1 (2009) 1-4:



Olga V. Trokhimenko (University of North Carolina-Wilmington) has a new contribution co-authored with Ann Marie Rasmussen (Duke University), “The Winsbecke Father-Son and Mother-Daughter Poems (Der Winsbecke and Die Winsbeckin), with a Medieval Parody.” eds. and trans. Ann Marie Rasmussen

and Olga V. Trokhimenko. In: Medieval Conduct Literature: An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour of Youths, with English Translations. ed. Mark D. Johnston.Toronto: University of Toronto Press and the Medieval Academy of  America, 2009. 61-125.


Forthcoming this summer/fall: “Women’s Laughter and Gender Politics in Medieval Conduct Discourse.” In: Laughter in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time. Ed. Albrecht Classen. Series Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, forthcoming 2010.


Ulrich Müller (Universität Salzburg) has a selection of his works appearing in a four volume collection in the Kümmerle Verlag, summer 2010.  Editors are Margarete Springeth, Ruth Weichselhauer and Gertraud Mitterauer, together with Annemarie Eder and Verena Vitzthum.


He would also like to call attention to a new, complete translation of the poems of Tannhäuser (Manessische Handschrift). Tannhäuser: Die Gedichte der manessischen Handschrift; Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch. Introduction, editing and commentary by Maria Grazia Cammarota. Translation by Jürgen Kühnel. Göppinger: Kümmerle, 2009, 307. ISBN 978-3-86758-004-5. EUR 20.00 (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik; 749). This is an affordable text that promises to benefit both students and faculty alike.

Our congratulations to Uli on his emeritus status!





The SMGS News & Reviews is edited by Ernst Ralf Hintz (Truman State University).

We wish to thank our technical expert, Ben Ogden, for his expertise in providing the online version with both readability and elegance. We also wish to thank the Department of Classical & Modern Languages at Truman State University for its support of this publication.


The SMGS readership continues to grow steadily as is the interest in receiving the SMGS News & Reviews online. Should you wish to contribute to the section on SMGS News from Colleagues or if you know of a colleague who would be interested in membership (there are no dues), you may contact me at or fax (660-785-7486), or write to the following address: Ernst Ralf Hintz, German and Medieval Studies, Truman State University, Department of Classical & Modern Languages, McClain Hall 310, Kirksville, MO 63501-4221 (U.S.A.).


The next issue of the SMGS News & Reviews appears in fall 2010.


On behalf of Evelyn Meyer, Alexander Sager and Ernst Ralf Hintz,


All good wishes for the summer from SMGS!